Whether it's intimidation, shyness or just plain idkwhatthehecktodowiththis itis, clams are still in season. They're also waiting for you to discover their greatness. NOW, that doesn't mean I endorse eating them any old way just to experience them. I had an experience in culinary school that made me shy away from them even though I at the time, would MARRY New England Clam Chowder. I mean what kind of crazy person wouldn't like it right?! Don't judge me. Anyway, it was seafood day and it was my very first time shucking clams. Let me tell you, if you want a workout try learning how to shuck 50 lbs of clams for your first go at it. We got through about 3 or 4 of them, then my classmates thought it would be great to have some fresh clams on the half shell. This was my first time so I had no clue what to expect. Not gonna lie, it looked like snot. I should've known something wasn't going to be right when they threw Tabasco on theirs. Never trust anybody who uses Tabasco like ACTUAL hot sauce. Anyway, I followed suit and in a big slurp and gulf, it went down...or so I thought. There was still a bit left in my mouth and for SOME strange reason I bit down and heard a loud "CRUNCH". It was the grossest thing I've experienced to this day. Felt like I was taking a gulp of sea water while chugging jello while somebody tried to feed me an extra hard stale potato chip smh Needless to say, this was my first AND last time eating clams on the half shell.
As with many things I DON'T like, I try to find a way to make them where I WILL like them. This recipe is what I came up with. It's simple yet extremely delicious. It also uses ingredients that most if not all people would probably have in their fridge already.
Summer Clams w/ Lemon Butter Reduction

2 lbs Clams (Cleaned)
1/4 Lb Unsalted Butter
10 Cloves Garlic
3 Shallots (Rough Chop)
1 Lemon (Cut in Half)
5 Sprigs Parsley
To Taste Salt & Pepper
1 Qt Water
Melt Butter in hot skillet or braising pan. Add Shallots and Garlic and lightly sweat

Add Clams and sauté. Let sit and lightly continue stirring the clams for another 2 mins

Squeeze Lemons and add rind as well as 4 sprigs parsley, salt and pepper

Add Water until half of clams are submerged. Bring to a boil then cover and let cook for another 3-5 mins or until all of the clams have opened up
Remove clams reserving the liquid and set aside in a bowl. Strain out any thing left in the liquid, return to the stove and reduce liquid by half. Pour over the clams. Garnish with any remaining parsley leaves

P.S. Let me know how your experience is!