It has been quite a few months since we've last seen each other. Honestly, I've missed you. So, let's get to it. Something big happened, we scored a partnership with Airbnb which started at the end of August right after the last post was made. The freelance work also picked up at the same time. Essentially...I was busy! Life of a personal chef right?!
However, the season was EXTRA busy...until it wasn't. Also it took much more time away from my family than we anticipated. So, though abrupt, we decided I would step back for a bit to focus on the most important ministry I've been blessed with, my family. Let me introduce you to my WHY! Everybody has them, sometimes it just takes a second to notice or understand exactly what it is. In my case, sometimes you're just too stubborn to accept and appreciate it for what it is.
First up! My Sous chef or almost 6 years...Stacey! She is loving, she is caring, a complete empath and among other things, a creative God loving mother, wife and singing sensation. I'm so blessed she puts up with me. Now, you might be wondering why there's no picture...well though my wife is a devout foodie who captures MANY pictures of her food, she hates being IN pictures... and surprises. I on the other hand, LOVE pictures AND surprises. All that said, I have no authorized pictures available to post and, I love sleeping in my bed sooooooooooo....MOVING ON lol

Next we have my 2 Chef de Cuisines extraordinaire aka #TheBakerBoys, Jacob and Douglas. Our twin 3 year old house demolishing, funny, loving and all around I don't need anybody but my brother, sons. They truly are learning so much about everything, and it's my pleasure to be their first guide into this culinary world.
Something I've come to realize, especially through these past 2 years is, many times, you work extra hard to gain footing. You work even harder to make that footing solid so you can reach new heights. We tend to excuse those steps as necessary and the sacrifices of our person, relationships and time as simply acceptable casualties for the greater good. However, what happens when the thing you were focusing on to gain more for your family ends up causing you to lose your family? Are you still doing it for your family? I always said that the only path I saw to live the life we sought as a family, was to create me own. Unfortunately, nobody can truly prepare you for what this looks like. Journeying builds character if you let it and the question I had to ask, was what kinda character I was trying to build. What kind of example was I being to my sons. What kind of honor was I living in my marriage. I had to take a step back and truly analyze this, but even more critical, I had to then seek ways to rebuild and change directions. It changed everything and I'm happy to say, we are the happiest we have ever been. No marriage or relationship is perfect, however sometimes you need to take serious stock of where you truly stand and adjust accordingly. So my challenge to you, take a serious step back, looking at the effects your pursuits have. Question if you're still doing it for the same reason or just for bragging rights or simply because, that's the only way you know how to maneuver. Then, pivot. Many people, especially in the culinary industry, spend countless thankless hours, days and decades pursuing one goal, recognition, ultimate creative freedom or stability. Along that route, many times our families become a casualty we desperately try to win back after our goals are met. So, just like I had to pivot heavily over the past 2 years, as I'm sure many of you have too, I challenge you to pursue joy and whatever path that leads you towards. Our industry is in an evolution that's taken many decades to finally have no choice but to embrace. Fine dining even had to embrace the communities like never before, instead of being the exclusive high end clubs of the past. Eleven Madison Park even has a food truck for displaced people and is completely plant based now! This is your chance to figure out a different path. Why wait and see where the industry is going when you can forge a new path that others have to, now more than ever, take notice of and potentially follow. Find what truly makes you love what you do and figure out a way to truly say yes to it. Form a new landscape with faith in yourself and your God given gifts without fear. Now is the time to make your statement. Today is an opportunity like never before.
The past 6 months have brought many changes. My family and I have made many difficult decisions. More information will be coming soon on that front. However, for now, I just wanted to take some time to say we're back and can't wait to continue sharing the journey, recipes and any information we have access to, to make your kitchen journey as easy as possible. Let me know how you have been processing the last 2 years and what moves you're been making. Feel free to leave a website or social link for others to see what you're doing so we call can support. We will have more content coming VERY soon as we continue to transition into embracing our new direction of being the destination to help you embrace the lifestyle of food like never before!
Stay Tuned,